Dr. Andew Weil reveals his Top Three foods
(And his least favorite vegetable!)

By Marion Owen, Fearless Weeder for PlanTea, Inc. and
Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul


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Dr. Andrew WeilYou may have seen him on "Larry King Live" or "Oprah," or read one of his bestselling books, Spontaneous Healing or Eating Well for Optimum Health. Dr. Andrew Weil is an internationally recognized expert on integrative medicine, which incorporates conventional and complementary medicine practices to optimize the body's natural healing mechanisms.

During a recent trip to Alaska, Dr. Weil shared some valuable insights, starting with his Top Three foods to include in our diets.

When asked what his Top 3 foods would be, Dr. Weil didn't hesitate. "I would say all berries. Organic if possible, because some of them, like raspberries, can be very high on the pesticide residue list. Berries are extremely helpful.

organic raspberriesorganic mushroomsorganic broccoli

"Then I would say all members of the cabbage family, especially broccoli. And then I would say a variety of mushrooms as well. I think many of these have anti-cancer affects and immune-enhancing affects."

Dr. Weil brings up two reasons why it's important to eat organic foods. "I think it's mostly to avoid taking in excessive quantities of pesticides. These things are not good for us and I think it's worth it to learn which crops have the highest levels of pesticide residues and avoid them, or get organic alternatives."The other issue is the sustainability of farming and the health of the planet, which is a whole other issues, but for personal health I think it's a matter of avoiding pesticide residues."

The best way to ensure you're getting the very best food, is to grow your own. "When you grow your own, you can grow varieties that are tastier and more nutritious than those that are grown for mass-production," says Weil. "And also, you'll be getting them at peak ripeness."

To learn more about pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables, Dr. Weil suggests going to the Environmental Working Group's web site at www.ewg.org. There you'll find lists of the 12 fruits and vegetables with the highest and lowest levels of pesticides.

There are times, however, when no vegetables are good. Dr. Weil, famous health guru, hated vegetables as a child. "I think it's because I didn't have them fresh or properly prepared. The worst, I think, were canned peas!"

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Thanks for visiting. Remember to keep your hands in the dirt, and your dreams on a star. -- Marion Owen

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