Tom Hanks' "Power of Four" solution
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which you can find at:
All about PlanTea:
The organic plant food in a tea bag
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Living and gardening in Kodiak, Alaska
(The art of weeding 'til midnight)
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Photo of the Week -- A weekly
peek at Kodiak: Alaska's Emerald Isle
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information to anyone).
Library of online gardening tips,
recipes, and more, listed by chapter:
Organic Gardening Tips
- Weeding Tips from Shakespeare--Weeding tips, plus a look at how Shakespeare used weeding as a metaphor in Richard II.
- Captain Cook's Love Affair With Cabbage: If he were alive today, he'd say, "Ahoy there, grow this vegetable in your garden!" Learn how to grow cabbage and more...
- Aspirin Water Aids Plants: Research, interview and links
- Amaryllis care: Now and forever! Plus, how to get free amaryllis plants
- Toss Some Edibles Into Ornamentals: The Associated Press interviews Marion Owen about edible landscaping
- Acid
or Alkaline?: What pH means in gardenspeak
- Transplanting
Tips : Plus a lesson from bald eagles...
- How
to grow a pineapple plant -- And really get fruit!
- Gardening
by the moon: May the Force be with you -- in the garden!
- Elvis
and the Year of the Pea: The how, what, when, where and why
of growing peas
Seedlings Want A Mel Gibson approach to raising seedlings and bedding
- What's
a soil cuber? Seed starting is easy and sandbox-style fun!
you been slimed? How to get slug slime off your hands
- Slug
and snail baits: How coffee help you win the war against slime
- Manure
Matters: How they rate; how to use them
- A
Beginner's List: Easy-grow varieties for northern gardens
- Hold
the Chocolate and Pass the Fish Tank: Houseplant food comes in many
- So
Many Choices! What to look for when choosing a plant
- Chase
away the winter blues: Grow a simple window garden
- 7
Ways to Get Rid of Dandelions--Without Chemicals!
- Artichokes
in Alaska Coastal living off the land
- Seaweed
and kelp: How ocean plants help our garden plants
- Why
Roto-tilling is a No-no And how Jethro Tull led us astray
- How
to Bring and Grow Herbs Indoors
- Have
Your Landscape and Eat It, Too! --How to landscape with edible plants
- Compost
Happens! Hot tips for composting in cool climates
- 163
Things You Can Compost
- How
to Make the World's Fastest Compost
- Rhubarb:
America's Favorite Pie Plant
- Gardeners,
Start Your Seedlings! Step by step guide for growing your own bedding
- Add
years to your houseplants with these simple cleaning tips
- Three
Cheers for Houseplants! The unsung heroes in our homes and office
- What's
Up Doc? Carrots! How to grow and use Bugs Bunny's favorite snack
- Why
organic fertilizers and organic gardening are darn good ideas
- How
To Re-Pot Tired Houseplants: Without the fuss!
- The
Art of Weeding (Part 1)--Year-round strategy for organic weed control
- The
Art of Weeding (Part 2)--More strategies for organic weed control
- Equinox
Egg Balancing Myth: How my sister eggs me on, plus gardening and
the equinox.
- Lemon
Tree, Very Pretty...:
How to grow a lemon tree indoors
- Spider
mites: Ackk! What
the are and what to do about them
- Is
Your Christmas Cactus Misbehaving? Does
it wilt, shrivel, look pale or refuse to bloom?
- Dust Bunnies on your African violets? How to clean fuzzy houseplants
- Blue roses: The race is on, plus an inside look into the not-so-clean cut flower industry
- It's the Pits! How to grow a mango houseplant
- There's Always Room for JELL-O, but on your plants?
- Do You Love Pansies? How to Grow Your Own Flowers from Seed
- Here kitty kitty! Safe and effective ways to shoo cats from your garden.
- What Bugs You More? A telemarketer calling during dinner, or fungus gnats?
Miscellaneous Tips for Home, Garden, Travel,
- Gardening
is Like Falling in Love:
Head over heels stuff. Remember?
- Why Grow Your Own (Reason #25): Even just a teensy-weensy bit
- Home Cooking, Now More Than Ever: Discover easy ways to avoid junk food, right in your own kitchen
- Don't Check Your Email on Sundays: 12 little New Year's resolutions that promise big results
- Gardening Behind Bars: Plants can transform lives, even in a women's prison
- International Plant Appreciation Day: Imagine a world without plants (no toilet paper, either). Annual celebration on April 13
- Why
do leaves turn color? (Tip: It has something to do with egg
- Easter Egg Colors to Dye for! From fruits, vegetables and other foods
- How
to predict the next frost.
- How
gardening can weed out diabetes
- Who
invented the garden hose?: And what was the first hose made
- Unshopping: 25 Ways to Get and Give What You Need Without Money, by Co-op America
- Cabin
Fever Gardening: Seven cures for a gardener's winter blues
- What
Gives? Attitudes and simple gifts for year-round giving
- Talking
Fruit: How to tell if fruit is genetically modified
- Dr.
Andrew Weil Reveals His Top Three Foods (and his least favorite
- What's
in your food? (The most and least contaminated produce)!
- Natural
Care for Cut Flowers: How to keep fresh cut flowers looking fresh
- Recycling
for Gardeners: 27 uses for garden catalogs
- 35
Uses for Plastic Milk Jugs: For home, garden, garage, and boat!
- The
Rule of Thirds When composing your photographs, this tip is tops
- What
are Apertures? Understanding this overlooked feature will improve
your photographs
- Flower
Photography for Everyone: Tips and tricks for taking pictures in
bright sunlight
- A
Pencil Is a Gardener's Best Friend
- Want Healthy Kids? Turn off the TV!
Very Unique Recipes
The Whimsical and Spiritual Side of Gardening
- What
is a garden?: The word
means many things to many people. And you?
- The Power of Purpose: By Roy H. Williams
- The Smell of Green: Personal essay by Marion Owen
- Beyond Dirt and Plants: Gardening is good for your mind, body and spirit
- Great
Garden Goofs:
Life in the garden wouldn't be complete without them
- For
the Love of Peanuts: A short essay by Marion Owen
- A
Garden for Kaye: How to plant a garden near a hospital bed
- Dream
Big, Start Small: Encouraging you to do what you love
- Lighten
Up Gardeners!: Forget weed wars and NPK's
- Joseph
Mohr's Gift of 'Silent Night' and other Christmas timelines
- Small
Wonders of the Soil, Plants, Trees, and Critters Fun garden trivia
- How
to Communicate With Plants: Step-by-step guidelines for anyone who
would like to be a part of the conversation
- A,
B, C, D, E, F, Garden: An Inspirational Alphabet
Stories from "Chicken Soup for
the Gardener's Soul"
- An
Angel in Shirtsleeves--Retiree
Mickey Weiss started a program that gives hungry people the slightly
damaged produce that was being thrown away
- A
Bedside Story--What makes a great doctor? (Hint: He talks to his
- Madeleine's
Wheelbarrow--How the author pictures recently deceased friend Madeleine
pouring wheelbarrow loads of prayers and love over her to heal her.
- The
Wedding Gift--A guest at the bride's wedding brings her a gift--20
years later
- My
Money Tree--A family surprises Mom with her very own "money tree"
- Planting
Day--A young girl learns, when another mother dies and leaves a
memorial garden for her own children, how precious it is to spend planting
day with Mom
- Yellow
Irises--A mother raises a family in a caring but mentally troubled
life. The day she died, the author found something very special...