Tom Hanks' "Power of Four" solution
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Marion's UpBeet Gardener
Newsletter has been
replaced by Marion's blog
which you can find at:
Marion Owen is a master gardener, photographer, entrepreneur, and New York Times bestselling author. She was recently honored with a Women of Distinction award by Soroptimist International of the Americas. And that's just the tip of the carrot...
After eight years at sea as a seaman and merchant marine officer, Marion found a home in 1984 in Kodiak, Alaska. Switching her focus to the land, Marion became a master gardener and garden writer.
In addition to hands-on garden experience, Marion co-authored Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul, which spent three months on the New York Times bestseller list Like the book's subtitle, "101 stories to sow seeds of love, hope and laughter," Marion embraces a win-win attitude in all she does.
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Marion is an excellent presenter. She is thoughtful, caring and passionate. Well versed in a number of topics, her wide range of knowledge and experiences makes her a speaker that can hold the attention of many different audiences and in a wide variety of settings. -- Wayne Stevens, President,
Alaska State Chamber of Commerce
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In her published articles, the UpBeet Gardener newsletter (with subscribers in 50 countries), her award-winning UpBeet Gardener radio show (hear it at www.upbeetcommunications.com), and on her plantea.com Web site, Marion covers small business how-tos, healthy living tips, organic gardening, world events and trends, and environmental issues.
As the Fearless Weeder for PlanTea, Inc., Marion also developed and patented PlanTea®, the organic fertilizer in tea bags; available online and in select stores.
Marion's world is also where she finds beautiful subjects to photograph, from snowflakes to underwater salmon. For almost 20 years, her award-winning images have been featured in or by National Geographic Traveler, Business Week, Better Homes and Gardens, TIME, ALASKA magazine and Pillsbury, Inc., to name a few.
A gifted teacher, Marion developed a popular series of photography and gardening courses through the University of Alaska. Students testify to her ability to apply life's lessons to any subject or situation.
An entertaining and thoughtful speaker, Marion combines her motivational speaking and talents in presentations and workshops (see list of presentations below) for small businesses, associations and trade shows, as well as addressing groups as a keynote speaker. Audiences find her inspirational, fun and thought-provoking.
Born and raised on Puget Sound in Washington State, Marion and her husband Marty enjoy exploring Kodiak Island on their boat through their business, Galley Gourmet, which provides gourmet dinner cruises and multiple-day trips. Marion loves to kayak, hike, make fruit wine, read, develop new recipes in the kitchen and, yes, weed!
What people are saying:
Your presentation was worth the price of admission!
--Workshop participant at the Northwest
Flower and Garden Show (Seattle)
Excellent presentation! How nice to see someone who "walks their talk” enjoy these successes!
-- Leslie Kerr, Refuge Manager,
Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, Kodiak, Alaska
Workshops and Presentations
Workshops can be customized to meet the specific needs of a particular group.
How to Get Publicity
For yourself, your business, or your organization
It may be a dog-eat-dog world out there, but you can get the publicity and promotion that you would like (or know that you truly deserve). Marion Owen's methods are unusual--combining the electonic age and good old fashioned one-on-one communication--but they"ve netted her top-notch projects and exposure. Learn about her techniques and discover how you, too, can get "ink” in any media you want.
Time: 45 to 60 minute talk, or half-day seminar/workshop
Note: This workshop can be combined with Web site seminar (below)
What Makes a Great Web Site
Gone are the days when you posted a site on the internet and waited for traffic to find you. Search engines and directories are a lot smarter these days. Whether you have a simple business card site or a Fortune 500 presence on the internet, you will learn how to obtain a top listing in search engines, the importance of keywords, and how to stay in touch with your customers and members. Presenter Marion Owen posted her site on the internet in early 1996 and enjoys #1 ranking with Google. She will share her proven tools and techniques to help make your site a success.
Time: 45 to 60 minute talk, or half-day seminar/workshop
Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul: The Journey
Presenter Marion Owen is one of the co-authors of Chicken Soul for the Gardener's Soul, which held a slot on the New York Times bestseller list for three months. Her inspirational and entertaining story is a popular keynote presentation, a real-life example of following your instincts, affirming that there are no accidents, and above all, to do what you love to really succeed in life.
Time: 45 to 60 minutes
Tips and Tricks
Most people secretly wish their pictures looked more like the
photos in magazines. Presenter Marion Owen, an award-winning,
well-published professional photographer and instructor since
1986, will not only demonstrate how take great photos (without
the need of expensive equipment and no matter what the conditions
are), but she'll demonstrate how to make handy picture-taking
accessories from household items. Her photography tips and tricks
can be applied to any subject or situation; for personal or
business use.
Time: 45 to 60 minutes
Seeding is Believing
How can you enjoy a greater variety of plants, save money, and
have the healthiest seedlings? The answer is to grow your own
using organic methods. From sowing to transplanting, here are
some surprisingly simple techniques to guarantee success. Grab
a wood, No. 2 pencil and a packet of seeds, and you're
ready to learn that "Seeding is Believing" means you can
do it!
Time: 45 to 60 minutes
Compost Happens!
Hot tips for composting in cool
If you're a gardener, sooner or later you'll come across the
word 'compost.' As easy as it is to say, compost has
a reputation for being difficult to master. Yet nothing could
be further from the truth. No matter what the season or where
you keep your trowel, you can make compost. Marion de-mystifies
compost-making, comparing it to following a cake recipe. Even
Bette Midler knows the value of compost. Valuable information
for individuals, associations and municipalities.
Time: 45 to 60 minutes |