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By Marion Owen, Fearless Weeder for PlanTea, Inc. and
Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul


Tom Hanks' "Power of Four" solution

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Gardening newsletter
Marion's UpBeet Gardener
has been
replaced by Marion's blog
which you can find at:



November 11, 2006
Marion Owen conducts workshop, Creative Value-Added Marketing to a standing-room only audience at the Tilth Producers of Washington annual conference in Vancouver, Wash.

May 9, 2006
Marion speaks at Alaska Press Women luncheon providing seven "answers" to how journalists can help promote themselves.

May 5, 2006
Marion Owen conducts workshop, Innovative Ways to market Organic Products at the Organic Trade Association's annual "All Things Organic" trade show, Chicago, Ill.

January 2006
Marion Owen's UpBeet Gardener newsletter increases subscriber base to 70 countries.

December 2005
PlanTea is featured in the December issue of Southern Living (page 80) in the article called, "Feed Your Plants."

September 12, 2005
Marion Owen co-panels the Promoting Yourself, Your Business or Your Organization discussion at the Garden Writer's Association's annual conference in Vancouver, British Columbia

April 2005
Marion Owen's blog, Acorns, begins podcasting her 3-minute UpBeet Gardener radio shows on iTunes and many other podcast directories.

March 13, 2005
Marion Owen interviewed by, and provides photos for The Associated Press (Dean Fosdick) for edible landscaping article: Toss Some Edibles Into Ornamentals -- Create a garden that looks good enough to eat. Subtitle: Edible ornamentals: Time-pressed gardeners are choosing plants that perform double duty as landscaping and food.

February 2005
Marion Owen conducts workshop, Photography Tips for Gardeners, for the Master Gardeners of Huntsville, Alabama.

January 1, 2005
The UpBeet Gardener newsletter has subscribers in 50 countries.

December 2004/January 2005 Marion is interviewed for 'The Artichoke Challenge' article in Organic Gardening Magazine.

November 2004
300,000 copies of Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul have been sold and is published in 4 languages: English, Spanich, Korean, Chinese (Mandarin).

April 27, 2004
Marion Owen launches the UpBeet Gardener radio program and is heard on 14 public and commercial radio stations in Alaska.

June 2, 2004
PlanTea organic fertilizer is listed with the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) as an 'allowed' fertilizer for organic production.

September 1, 2003
Marion Owen is featured in the September issue of Delicious Living magazine in an article entitled, Why I Do What I Do. (To read the online article, click here). Delicious Living, available (free) in nearly every natural food store in the U.S., is published by New Hope Natural Media, a division of Penton Media, In., the leading publisher of natural products magazines and the leading producer of natural products tradeshows and conferences. New Hope Media

When One Email Makes a Difference:
Alaska Gardener Featured in National Lifestyle Magazine

April, 2003
Marion Owen publishes first issue of e-newsletter, the UpBeet Gardener, a newsletter featuring organic gardening tips, recipes, and news that focuses on what's right in the world. The publication is sent every two weeks as a text-only email -- so subscribers' inboxes don't clog up with graphics. The links though, take readers to well-illustrated articles and resources.

March 21, 2003
Marion Owen featured in April 2003 issue of Vegetarian Times article, "Hoe Down: The low-down on organic gardening" by Lori Tobias. (pg. 75 to 80).

February 19-23, 2003
Marion Owen conducts 3 workshops at the Seattle Flower and Garden Show:
+ Seeding is Believing (twice)
+ Photography Tips and Tricks

February 6, 2003
Seeding is Believing: Gardening experts de-mystify the art of seed planting (See image below to illustrate text).

Image of tomato seed doing chin-ups on a pencil tip

Click here to load and view the full-sized (140 k) image.
For more information or assistance, please call 1-800-253-6331 (907-486-2500) 9 to 5 Pacific time.

January 2003
Marion Owen conducts two workshops at the 22nd annual Greenhouse and Nursery Confrence in Fairbanks, Alaska.
+ Photography Tips for Everyone
+ Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul
(keynote address for banquet)

Winter 2002/2003
PlanTea reviewed in Hobby Greenhouse magazine (Winter 2003 Vol. 25, No. 1, pg. 34)

November 23, 2002
Marion Owen and PlanTea featured in P.J. Bremier's article, "The pause that refreshed: organic tea for plants," in the Marin Independent Journal (Home Garden section, pg. D1)

October 14, 2002
Alaska Gardener Develops 'Clean and Feed' Technique to Winterize House Plants (See image below to illustrate text).

Image of 'tickling' soil on house plant with fork

Click here to load and view the full-sized (180 k) image.
For more information or assistance, please call 1-800-253-6331 (907-486-2500) 9 to 5 Pacific time.

March 9, 2001
"Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul" hits New York Times bestseller list at #9

February 15, 2001
Marion Owen co-authors Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul

August 7, 1999
Marion Stirrup marries Marty Owen, the Kodiak Harbormaster in a small ceremony on their boat, the Sea Breeze, to become Marion Owen.

July 1996
PlanTea organic fertilizer receives patent from U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


Thanks for visiting and please stop by again. I'll put the coffee on!

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PlanTea: The organic plant food in tea bags.
Copyright ©1996 to present: PlanTea, Inc. All Rights Reserved. PO Box 1980, Kodiak, AK 99615-1980 USA
Questions or comments? Phone: Toll Free: 1-800-253-6331 (US and Canada); 907-486-2500
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