Tom Hanks' "Power of Four" solution
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on a chapter for more info
- Organic
Gardening Tips:
Answers to your questions about compost, rhubarb, edible landscaping, pests, seedlings and lots more.
- Indoor
Organic Gardening: How to care for your houseplants, organically
- Odds
and Ends: Photography tips, recycling, food, your health, inventions...
- Unusual
Recipes: These recipes and tips are not from your average cookbook
- Essays,
Inspirations and Lite Stuff: To get you
thinking and wondering
- Read
Selected Stories from Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul
Gardening Tips
- Flower Bulbs for Cool Climates: Tips and Tricks from my garden in Kodiak, Alaska
- Create a Garden That Looks Good Enough to Eat : The Associated Press interviews Marion Owen about edible landscaping
- Need a Garden? Go to a coffee shop! Burlap coffee bags make great container gardens!
- Captain Cook's Love Affair With Cabbage: If he were alive today, he'd say, "Ahoy there, grow this vegetable in your garden!" Learn how to grow cabbage and more...
- Acid
or Alkaline?: What pH means in garden-speak
- Gardening
by the Moon: May
the Force be with you, in the garden!
- Easy Transplanting
Tips: Plus
a lesson from bald eagles...
- "Manure
Matters": How different manures rate; how to use them
- Are You a
Beginner-Gardener?: Here's a list of easy to grow varieties for cool climates
- Why
Roto-tilling is a No-no:
For years, all those ads have been leading us astray...
- Seed Starting
- Compost Tips
- Coping with garden
pests (see "indoor organic gardening" below for more tips)
- Weeding Tips
- Artichokes
in Alaska! Coastal living off the land Featured in Organic Gardening magazine
- Elvis
and the Year of the Pea: The how, what, when, where and why
of growing peas
- Seaweed
and Kelp: How ocean plants help our garden plants
- So
Many Choices! What to look for when choosing a potted plant
- Have
Your Landscape and Eat It, Too! How to landscape with edible
plants Very Popular!
- Rhubarb:
America's Favorite Pie Plant Recipes, folklore, history, and
sources A Favorite!
- Learn about PlanTea:
The chemical-free, organic fertilizer in tea bags Ideal for
outdoors and indoors
- What's
Up Doc? Carrots! How to grow and use Bugs Bunny's favorite snack
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Do you have a comment, suggestion, or question? Send me an email.
Organic Gardening
A Little of This, a Little of That
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Do you have a comment, suggestion, or question? Send me an email.
Recipes and cooking tips
Inspirations and Lite Stuff
- Like Leaves On a Maple Tree--When you become aware that you are not a leaf but the tree, something amazing happens in your life...
- Weeding Tips from Shakespeare--Weeding tips, plus a look at how Shakespeare used weeding as a metaphor in Richard II.
- Don't Check Your Email on Sundays: 12 little New Year's resolutions that promise big results
- Tom Hanks' Four Percent Solution: By Tom Hanks
- The Power of Purpose: By Roy H. Williams
- The Smell of Green: Personal essay by Marion Owen
- Beyond Dirt and Plants: Gardening is good for your mind, body and spirit
- What
Is a Garden?: The word means many things to many people. How about
- Equinox
Egg Balancing Myth: How my sister eggs me on, plus gardening and
the equinox
- For
the Love of Peanuts: A short essay by Marion Owen
- A
Garden for Kaye: How to plant a garden near a hospital bed
- Lighten
Up, Gardeners!: Forget about weed wars and soil NPK's
- Dream
Big, Start Small: Encouraging you to do what you love
- Joseph
Mohr's Gift of 'Silent Night' and other Christmas timelines
- Great
Garden Goofs: Life in the garden wouldn't be complete without
- Small
Wonders of the soil, plants, trees, and critters--fun garden
- How
to Communicate with Plants: Step-by-step guidelines for everyone
- A,
B, C, D, E, F, G (for garden), H... An inspirational alphabet
Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul
New York Times bestseller, available through Amazon.com)
- A
Bedside Story--What
makes a great doctor? (Hint: He talks to his veggies)
- Plant
a Row for the Hungry--How the author is inspired by homeless to begin nationwide
program where gardeners are encouraged to grow an extra row of vegetables
and donate them to food banks.
- Plum
Pretty Sister--Nature and babies have their own schedules!
- Madeleine's
Wheelbarrow--How the author pictures recently deceased friend
Madeleine pouring wheelbarrow loads of prayers and love over her to
heal her
- An
Angel in Shirtsleeves--Retiree Mickey Weiss started a program
that gives hungry people the slightly damaged produce that was being
thrown away.
- The
Wedding Gift--A guest at the bride's wedding brings her a special
gift -- 20 years later.
- My
Money Tree--A family surprises Mom with her very own "money
- Planting
Day--A 6-year-old girl learns, when another mother dies and
leaves a memorial garden for her own children, how precious it is to
spend planting day with Mom.
- Yellow
Irises--A mother raises a family in a caring but mentally troubled
life. The day she died, the author found something very special...
I'm happy
to autograph a copy of Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul
for you.
Click here for details.
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Do you have a comment, suggestion, or question? Send me an email.